What Are Inground Pool Liners Made Of

When you have an inground pool installed which has a vinyl liner, you don’t always see the problems that these liners can have.  There are many pitfalls that you need to know about in order to avoid these problems from happening since they can ruin your pool. But first, you need to know more about these liners are made and installed.

A pool which has a vinyl liner has a custom made solid sheet of vinyl which separates the water from the actual wall of the pool.  This is different from the gunite or fiberglass pool which uses plaster as the separation between the water and the walls of the pool. The top edge of the liner, called the bead, is usually locked into a track which is on the bottom of the coping. This coping sits at deck level. This liner sits on a sand or concrete bottom. The bottom is laid in specification to the cut of the liner. The pool floor comes up to meet the walls of the pool. These walls are made from 3ft by 8ft galvanized steel or thermoplastic.

These walls have support from behind so that the weight of the water will not bend them. All of these wall panels are safely secured to each other to form the shape of the pool, but because of this, the shapes that you can get the pool in are limited.

Possible Problems With These Liners

If the vinyl liner is even a little off center, the beads can come off of the track. This can also happen if the liner is too small or too large. Another problem that occurs is when customers use the large round chlorine tablets in the skimmer. If, for whatever reason, the pump shuts off and the skimmer sits still for too long with the undissolved tablets still inside, it can result in faded spots in the vinyl of the liner.

Keeping sharp objects out of the pool is vital because these can tear the liner. Rocks, small pebbles, or small metal objects should be removed as quickly as possible before they can cause damage. Vinyl patch kits are available and can even be used underwater to prevent leaks or tears.

Replacing the soil under the pool before it is built may be needed. Pool base or fresh soil that contains vermiculite will prevent mold, bacteria, or fungus from forming underneath the liner. Making sure that the vinyl liner is correctly installed will prevent wrinkles from forming due to weather conditions. Also make sure that the Ph level is correct. Too low of a Ph level will cause the liner to expand.

Yes, vinyl lined pools are cheaper to build, but they do require a little effort to maintain it  and keeping it in good shape.